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You Don't Have to Live With Acne Scars. There Are Solutions!

As we get older, there are a lot of things we’d love to recapture from our younger years, but acne certainly isn't one of them. Yet, your teen-aged acne has followed you into adulthood in the form of acne scars, and you want to find the best way to erase this part of your past.

Acne is, far and away, the most common skin condition among Americans, affecting up to 50 million people each year. The reason we present this statistic is to let you know you’re in good company if you’re searching for ways to eliminate acne scars.

The even better news is that we have some great solutions for banishing acne scars to the past, where they belong. Here at BodyLogicMD of Hartford, Dr. Anita Petruzzelli, who is board certified in integrative medicine, offers comprehensive aesthetic services that cover everything from wrinkles and fine lines to acne scarring.

So, let’s take a look at how we can help you get rid of acne scars.

Are your acne scars getting bigger?

Before we get into our solutions for acne scars, we want to quickly touch on why acne scars sometimes don’t hit your radar until later in life. 

During your 20s and 30s, acne scarring is often hidden behind more youthful and toned skin that enjoys more collagen and elastin. Once you hit your 40s and your skin starts to show signs of aging, once-hidden imperfections like acne scars can become more pronounced. For example, pock marks can look more sunken as your skin starts to lose structural proteins. 

So, it’s not your imagination if you’re only becoming bothered by acne scars later in life.

Turning back the clock on acne scars

Now let’s get into how we can tackle acne scars, whether they’ve always been there or they’re just becoming noticeable now.

Dermal fillers

If you’re dealing with one or more large pockmark scars (indented scars), we’ve found dermal fillers to be a great solution. Each year in the United States, there are more than 5.7 million dermal filler procedures, and among their many jobs, people use them to fill in old acne scars.

At our practice, we offer industry-leading dermal fillers from Juvéderm®, which use hyaluronic acid (a naturally occurring substance in your body) to add more volume. This ability to add volume works exceptionally well in filling in scars.

Custom skin care line

We also recommend a custom skin care program that we design for your specific needs, in this case acne scars. Our skin care line includes lotions, ointments, and serums that focus on cellular turnover and skin growth, which are exactly the processes you need to minimize visible acne scarring.

When you sit down with Dr. Pettruzzelli, she figures out which skin care products are best for your skin type, your age, and your goals. From there, she customizes a skin care regimen that works best for reducing acne scars and improving the overall appearance of your skin.

Between our dermal fillers and custom skin care lines, we can hit the reset button on your skin and send your acne scars back to the past.

To get on the road to improved skin that’s free from acne scars, we invite you to schedule an appointment today at our office in Glastonbury, Connecticut.

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