Signs of Low Testosterone You May Not Be Aware Of

Testosterone is a hormone that’s crucial in male development and sexual function. Along with sexual characteristics, it regulates bone and muscle mass, fat distribution, and more.
Testosterone is primarily produced in the testicles. It’s natural for testosterone levels to fluctuate throughout a man’s life, but an estimated 40% of men over age 45 have low testosterone. That means their testosterone levels fall below what’s considered normal, causing a range of symptoms in the body.
Anita Petruzzelli, MD, and the team at BodyLogicMD regularly diagnose and treats abnormally low testosterone with hormone replacement therapy, which can effectively relieve symptoms by elevating your testosterone levels into the normal range. But what are the signs of low testosterone?
The most well-known symptoms of low testosterone might be low sex drive or erectile dysfunction. But testosterone influences more than sex drive and performance. You could have a testosterone deficiency if you experience the following:
Hair loss
Testosterone controls male pattern hair growth, like facial hair and chest hair. If you’re noticing hair loss on your body or your beard doesn’t grow like it used to, it could be linked to low testosterone.
Balding is common as you get older, and it has genetic links. However, premature or unusual baldness on the head may also be a sign of low testosterone.
Changes in body composition
Testosterone levels play an important role in muscle mass and fat storage in the body. Low testosterone may cause loss of muscle mass, decreased bone density, and increased body fat.
Men with low testosterone often notice decreased muscle mass and strength. Osteoporosis, or thinning bones, is more common in men with low testosterone because the hormone bulks up and strengthens bones. Low testosterone may cause female pattern weight gain, such as around the hips. Some men experience gynecomastia, which is enlarged breast tissue.
Extreme fatigue or consistently low energy levels could be a sign of testosterone deficiency. Testosterone affects your energy, and men with low testosterone may find they’re always fatigued even if they get plenty of sleep.
On the other hand, low testosterone may also cause changes in sleep patterns, along with depression and mood swings. These symptoms can also leave you feeling fatigued and depleted if you’re living with low testosterone.
Testosterone plays an important role in sexual function. Not only does it influence sex drive and your ability to achieve and maintain an erection, but it also affects semen and sperm. Semen is the substance that transports sperm, and low testosterone can cause both low semen and sperm volume.
Low semen ejaculation and low sperm count could make it harder to conceive a child. Along with decreased interest in sex common in men with low testosterone, it can contribute to fertility problems if you’re trying for a baby.
Do any of these signs sound familiar? The symptoms of low testosterone can impact your quality of life, but treatment can help you feel like yourself once again.
It’s time to find out if you could be suffering from low testosterone. At BodyLogicMD, we perform a comprehensive analysis and evaluate your symptoms to help you find the testosterone treatment that’s right for your goals.
Call us at 860-375-4935 or book your consultation online to get started.
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