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5 Common Nutrient Deficiencies in the US

5 Common Nutrient Deficiencies in the US

We all eat differently. Some people prefer a plant-based diet, while others can’t imagine a meal without meat. Across the United States, cuisines vary by location and family. But one thing remains the same: what we eat needs to fuel our bodies.

Specifically, we rely on food to provide our systems with key nutrients. It doesn’t always deliver, though. In fact, across the country, a lot of people live with deficiencies in specific key nutrients. 

Fortunately, here at BodyLogicMD of Hartford in Glastonbury, Connecticut, Anita Petruzzelli, MD, can help. Not only is she available to assess which nutrients you may need more of, but she can also help you rectify any deficiencies through her specialization in vitamins and supplements

To get started, it’s helpful to look at the most common nutrient deficiencies in the US. Here are the top five.

Vitamin B6 

B6, also called pyridoxine, leads the pack here. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that more than 10% of Americans over the age of one don’t get enough vitamin B6. That’s a problem because this vitamin affects your immune system, nervous system, and brain health. 

You can get more pyridoxine through foods like:

You can also look for certain foods, like cereal, that are fortified with vitamin B6.

Your body can’t store B6, so it’s important to work it into your diet on a daily basis.


If you deal with persistent fatigue and headaches, it could be iron deficiency. This can lead to too few healthy red blood cells, or anemia.

Low iron is most common in women and kids. That same CDC report found that 9.5% of women ages 12-49 don’t get enough iron, and 6.7% of children ages 1-5 are iron deficient. 

You can get more iron from:

As with B6, some companies fortify their foods with iron. 

Vitamin D

The CDC says about 8% of people in the US don’t get enough vitamin D, which is critical for bone health. You can get vitamin D from foods like certain types of fish, mushrooms, and eggs. But your body can also absorb it from the sun

Vitamin C

You probably already know vitamin C is important for immune function, but it can also lead to skin issues, gum disease, and more. 

Besides citrus, you can get more vitamin C from strawberries, red and green peppers, and broccoli. 

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, plays a big part in your brain and nerves, plus it helps your body make blood. You can get it from fish, eggs, dairy, and other sources.

Correcting nutrient deficiencies

If you want to learn if you’re deficient in any of these nutrients — or others — Dr. Petruzzelli uses the SpectraCell micronutrient blood test, which measures more than 30 nutritional components. 

From there, she can help you adjust your diet and integrate high-quality vitamins and supplements to ensure your body is getting what it needs. To assess your nutrient intake, call our office or request an appointment online today. 

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